Memorabilia (and Other Treasures) Sitting on Your Bookshelf

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When downsizing, treasure hunting, or cleaning out the house, do not overlook the bookshelf.  Items of value could be hiding in plain sight.  Listed below are a few categories of items that, as an appraiser of Rock and Roll and Hollywood memorabilia, I have found to be of value.


Many celebrity yearbooks have been sold at auction. A Wink High School yearbook signed and inscribed by Roy Orbison sold for $1280 in 2016.

YEARBOOKS – There is nothing less interesting than another person’s yearbook, unless of course, there is a celebrity to be found within the pages.  Here are some results from the last few years of yearbooks sold at auction:In 2016, a Roy Orbison signed and inscribed yearbook sold for $1,280.Also in 2016, an unsigned yearbook featuring Marilyn Monroe sold for over $2,000.Bob Dylan’s high school yearbook can sell for more than $500-1,000 even without his signature.In 2012, an Elvis Presley signed yearbook sold for almost $8,500.

Hollywood Memorabilia

Julia Roberts’ Senior High School Yearbook sold for $487.20 in May 2018.

Many celebrity yearbooks have been sold at auction including Julia Roberts, John Wayne, Michael Jackson, Madonna, Johnny Carson, James Dean, and Buddy Holly – just to name a few.  Think about where you live and which celebrities are from your area before tossing those yearbooks.

PHOTOGRAPHS and PHOTOBOOKS – A first edition of many books would be nice to find, and photography and art books top the list.  A first edition of Ansel Adams book Sierra Nevada: The John Muir Trail is listed on major bookseller sites for upwards of $8,000.  Robert Frank’s Les Americains lists for $10,000.  In the hundreds of dollar range, are books by photographers Irving Penn and Henri Cartier-Bresson.  Be on the lookout for books by artists, such as Joan Miro or illustrated by artists like Carmen des Carmen which was illustrated by Pablo Picasso.

A first edition of many books would be nice to find.  This copy of Sierra Nevada John Muir Trail by Ansel Adams, Archetype Press, Berkeley, 1938, sold for $2400 in 2017.

Photographs may make their way onto shelves.  These may include never-before-seen photographs from a concert, or chance meeting with a celebrity.  A single candid photograph of Michael Jackson sold in the past for over $500.  Even photographs taken at a distance can be collectible.

Marilyn Monroe Memorabilia

This rare original black and white photograph of Marilyn Monroe while on tour of Korea in 1954 sold for over $300 in 2008.

Talk to your family members, especially those who served in the military.  Photographs or signatures of Clark Gable from his time in the service are still coming up for sale.  Images from Marilyn Monroe’s performance in Korea also come up for auction.  With these photographs, the photographer (or heirs) can also apply for copyright of the image to keep for themselves or to sell at auction.

OTHER PAPER EPHEMERA – Other paper materials and ephemera often end up in the bookshelf wedged between two books.Calendars, for instance.  In 1949, a young woman who was soon to be known to the world as Marilyn Monroe, posed for nude photographs with photographer Tom Kelley.  In 1952, the photographs from this session ended up on calendars published around the country.  This coincided with Monroe’s rise in popularity and she was forced to admit the images were of her.  These calendars can sell for $500-3,000 depending on their age and condition.Other potentially valuable ephemera: concert posters, programs, hand bills, autograph books or signed cut sheets.  Posters, programs, and handbills and other advertising ephemera were items that were meant to be used for a period of time and then thrown away.  Those sentimental concert goers who hung on to these items may have a treasure.  Generally, older paper ephemera is more valuable but contemporary bands like Nirvana or Prince can also have value.

Elvis Presley Memorabilia

This Elvis Presley autograph from a 1970 International Hotel Las Vegas menu sold for $290 in 2017. Even unsigned, an item like a menu can sell for hundreds of dollars.

If you or a family member visited Las Vegas in the 1970s, you may have picked up a menu or table tent from an Elvis Presley concert.  Even unsigned, these items can sell for hundreds of dollars.  If it is signed, that number goes up to thousands at auction.Was someone in your family a stamp collector?  Unfortunately, there aren’t a great many stamps that are collectible.  But do consider that stamps in the United States do not expire.  You can use the lovely vintage stamps when you write a letter (or pay bills).  I recently received a lovely thank you note that was mailed with a combination of 6 vintage stamps.  It arrived looking like a piece of art itself.


My father always tells us that he has hidden money in the books.  While my family doesn’t believe him, I have heard many appraisers and auctioneers talk about the odd places where they found money stashed.  A bookshelf is as good a bet as any other.  Plus, there is always the chance you will find the hollowed-out book hiding treasure.Happy Hunting!

Megan Mahn Miller is an auctioneer and appraiser specializing in Rock ‘n Roll and Hollywood memorabilia, and other hard-to-value items.  Her company, Mahn Miller Collective, Inc. can assist you with solving your personal property problems. Visit for more information.


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